What’s in the DNA capsule for ‘Horror Film 1’?

Raja and I met back in 2021 when I chaired a panel he was in at iPRES. Our session was online and we had time to chat beforehand. I’d read up about his paper on DNA storage. I knew something about this because I saw a great presentation about it from former National Film and …

The Provocation of Synthetic DNA

I’m Thinking about the provocation of sending info 1000 years into the future in the synthetic DNA capsule. This provocation emerges from our collaboration with Raja Appuswamy, a data scientist at Eurecom in France, who is storing our Horror Film 1 Users Manual and associated documentation materials on synthetic DNA. Raja is working with our …

Re-enactment, Users Manuals and DNA Storage: methods for media art preservation

Here’s a paper that we recently presented in Meanjin Brisbane for the 2024 ISEA conference (International Symposium on Electronic Art). We presented as part of the 4th Summit on Media Art Archiving. It’s called “Re-enactment, Users Manuals and DNA Storage: methods for media art preservation”, co-authored by Louise Curham, Lucas Ihlein, Raja Appuswamy. About the …