The Teaching & Learning Cinema invites you to “THIS TIME“, a film screening this Sunday, April 1st, 2007 6.30pm for a 7pm start at ˜Sydney”, Cleveland St (next to Fatima’s) (see
The screening follows along from a residency that Lucas Ihlein and Louise Curham have been doing in the majestic Track 12 at Performance Space’s new home at Carriageworks.
We’ll roll projector on some of the expanded cinema re-enactments we’ve been working on in the residency and some film prints we brought in for our research.
The prints come from the National Film & Video Lending Service in Canberra and from the Lux, the artist’s film archive in London (why doesn’t Australia have one of these?). Performance Space are most generously lending a pair of beautiful Eiki 16mm projectors for the occasion.
From our recent work, marvel at the stamina of those who were there for the 24 hours for the ‘Long Film for Ambient Light’. As a kind of private experiment, we recreated the conditions for this 1975 work by Anthony McCall on March 16 and 17 down at the Performance Space. We’ll show a time lapse video (where one hour becomes one minute) and invite those who were there during the event to share their mental residues”.
Also marvel at the stamina of the participants in our attempt to re-create William Raban’s 1974 film ‘Breath’. The film documents a walk up a hill by a group of walkers carrying whistles. Each shot matches the length of a whistle and a breath. Rabans film was in the gentle English countryside. The Curham, Ihlein, Shaw version is North Era hill in the Royal National Park. We’ll show ‘Breath 2006′ and Raban’s original.
Enjoy our versions on 16mm film and miniDV of William Raban’s 1973 Expanded Cinema work 2’45″. In our reworkings (presented as ’55 seconds’ (16mm film), and ‘6 minutes’ (mini DV)), we followed Raban’s recipe and projected an image of the projector screen, re-filmed it, projected that image, re-filmed it, projected, re-filmed and so on. The miniDV version has a velvety softness, and reaction between the iterations is a delight. Be part of Iteration 8 as we show you Iteration 7.
Of the films from the archives, we have William Raban’s ‘Angles of Incidence’ (1973). Raban describes this as an experiment in constructing three dimensional space on the two dimensional surface of the film. The film is exactly as it came out of the camera. It appears that Raban’s method was to fix a length of rope between a window and the camera and film all the possible views of the window that the rope would allow.
Lis Rhodes ‘Light Reading’ (1979): Those who attended the NowNow film screenings would have seen Lis Rhodes’ ‘Dresden Dynamo’, easily a stand out in visual dynamism with layer upon layer of re-printed lettraset stuck through the optical printer using all the printer lights. Light Reading has more of a polemic as a voice intones an essay on the role of the subject within the object of the film and the gaze of the camera, subverted by extended direct film animation and re-printing that is based on the light meter itself – the “eye” of the camera if you like. This is a dense film but we found it very rewarding.
And the very cute John Smith 1976 film called ‘The Girl Chewing Gum’ – a wonderful spoof where the film director literally directs passing traffic. A subtly formal as it deals with the split between sound and image.
Okay so hope you can come and we’re looking forward to it immensely.
For a jpg flyer advertising the event visit this URL:
Lucas and Louise