The Teaching and Learning Cinema is an artist group run by Lucas Ihlein and Louise Curham.
TLC evolved from the Sydney Moving Image Coalition, which was a filmmakers and film lovers group with a specific focus on Super 8.
With the TLC, our interest is in creating screening events and workshops which encourage discussion, and break down the passivity of looking at images.
Our main focus in recent years has been the re-enactment of key Expanded Cinema works from the 1960s and 1970s. You can find out more about our art-action-research here.
About Us:
Louise works frequently with film in performance. She has collaborated with many musicians in both new music and improvisation including the Alister Spence Trio, Melbourne composer David Young and Rome-based Mike Cooper. Louise’s work has been regularly presented at Australian music film festivals including Sydney’s NowNOW and Brisbane’s OtherFilm Festival.
Recent highlights include the just released DVD collaboration ‘Fit’ with the Alister Spence Trio, presentation of a Film of One’s Own in the FPS program of the NZ International Film Festival in Auckland (July 2009), Teaching and Learning Cinema exhibition of a re-enactment of Guy Sherwin’s 1976 Expanded Cinema work ‘Man with Mirror’ at Artspace in Sydney (July 2009), participation in the Canberra International Music Festival with the Clocked Out Duo at the NFSA (May 2009), the film performance Waiting to Turn into Puzzles at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (June 2008), the exhibition Propositions and Game Plans in the Melbourne International Arts Festival (2007), the film installation A Film Of One’s Own at the Performance Space, Sydney, NZ Film Archive, Wellington NZ and Te Manawa ART, Palmerston North NZ (2006).
In 2004 Louise Curham completed a Master of Fine Arts in Time Based Art, at the College of Fine Arts (COFA), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, entitled “Surface & Projection – an Investigation of the Event of Cinema”. An excerpt from this thesis is available here.
Besides his work with the TLC, Lucas collaborates with the artist groups SquatSpace, Big Fag Press, The Rizzeria, and NUCA. In 2009 he completed a practice-based research PhD at Deakin University entitled “Framing Everyday Experience: Blogging as Art”.
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