wow this is turning out to be an oddball project. yesterday and today we spent learning how to hand process 16mm film (louise already knew, but was learning to do it more systematically, and i was starting from scratch). it’s pretty much the same as processing 35mm black and white still photographic negative, except obviously …
Category Archives: residency
Expanded Cinema Residency March 6th
Yesterday we began our residency at the performance space, working with expanded cinema. It’s been a bit crazy, making space for this project. Life’s so hectic, but it’s good to have the three weeks laid aside specifially to focus on this stuff, even if we’re not as “prepared†as we might have wanted to be. …
Curham Days 1-5
Curham’s opening remarks: I am not a blogger but I am a diarist – I have boxes and boxes and boxes of notebooks. Not sure how valuable this stuff is I’ll have to say. For now, will just get on with saying it. Entry for 8th will come here but is down at P Space …
expanded cinema residency at Performance Space
Louise and Lucas from the Teaching and Learning Cinema are doing a residency at the Performance Space in Sydney, to work on trying out some re-enactments of Expanded Cinema events from the early 1970s. We’ll post up our progress reports here in the next few weeks!