Curham: Long Film for Ambient Light 2nd commentary

14:40 Ground of my body, quite high tension, I am noticing the ‘base’ settings hence the description ‘ground of my body’. Column thoughts [feedback sheet had columns, used by no one except me and Walty unwillingly]. Strange how use of someone else’s specificity is having the effect of making us be present in this here …

Louise’s Commentary on Long Film for Ambient Light

12 pm Fri Mar 16 to 12 pm Sat Mar 17E-mail to Cynthia today with some thoughts on the Long Film: The Long Film was a very intense experience – my head did very strange things. It was unrelentingly social which I found very, very difficult. The intensity of such focus on a single space …

Lucas: Expanded Cinema Residency March 12th

Digging around old notes collected during research in london, found an interview with William Raban from the “illuminations” series. I had watched these interviews, with raban and also guy sherwin, while sitting in the office of the british artists film research unit at central st martins college. Stephen ball emailed me the raw transcriptions. There …

Lucas: Expanded Cinema Residency March 10th

today we decided to have a shorter session – to concentrate on getting one complete iteration done of 55 seconds, and 6 minutes, from go to whoa. we got it done in under three hours, which is a big improvement. peter was with us, which made it a bit more fun. the very light 16mm …

Louise: Expanded Cinema Residency March 10th

In doing the Expanded works in late 2003-4, my motivation was to see actually experience these pieces as reading on page, hard to really understand. Also motivated to do them to continue with performance aspect to SMIC events. I was thinking a lot about interactivity at the time – mostly because the buzz at COFA …

Lucas: Expanded Cinema Residency March 9th

big day today, meeting with kat and telling her all about the project, what we’re trying to do, the four works that we’re concentrating on. she’s our tech assistant, and will be helping us set the room up for long film for ambient light. all these works have a concentration on time, pushing and pulling …

Louise: Expanded Cinema Residency March 9th

Interestingly, I start to align the new media with Lucas and the old media with me, this is NG. Means I align the anthropomorphic failure of the film with myself – NG. Focus problems in the film – registration pulse problem. No evident problem in the actual camera, checked it. Actions list 9/3/07: 1. buy …

Day 4 Commentary on 2′ 45″

Section 1. Find problem in loss of lux in video iteration in projection. The film will end up black if we continue with the image in pos. Opt to use the negativising option in the video camera. Discuss lighting state. Try fluoro to increase light in room as video camera exposure level is very dark. …

Expanded Cinema Residency March 8th

wow this is turning out to be an oddball project. yesterday and today we spent learning how to hand process 16mm film (louise already knew, but was learning to do it more systematically, and i was starting from scratch). it’s pretty much the same as processing 35mm black and white still photographic negative, except obviously …

Expanded Cinema Residency March 6th

Yesterday we began our residency at the performance space, working with expanded cinema. It’s been a bit crazy, making space for this project. Life’s so hectic, but it’s good to have the three weeks laid aside specifially to focus on this stuff, even if we’re not as “prepared” as we might have wanted to be. …